
美国信用卡入门 | 新手必看11️⃣:非美国居民如何申请美国信用卡概况

Getting Started with Credit Cards in the U.S. | Newbie 1: How to Apply for a Credit Card in the U.S. for Non-U.S. Residents

美国信用卡入门 | 新手必看22️⃣:从0开始构建你的美国信用体系,包括申请个人税号ITIN与积累提升美国信用分

Getting Started with Credit Cards in the U.S. | Newbie 2: Build your U.S. credit system from the ground up, including applying for an ITIN and building your U.S. credit score.


美国信用卡入门 | 新手必看33️⃣:一篇文章搞定美国地址信箱租用与1583公证

Getting Started with Credit Cards in the U.S. | Newbie 3: One article to take care of U.S. address mailbox rental and USPS Form 1583 notarization.

美国信用卡入门 | 新手必看44️⃣:如何选择低成本持有美国实体电话卡

Getting Started with Credit Cards in the U.S. | Newbie 4: How to Choose a Low-cost Holding US Physical Calling Card.

美国信用卡入门 | 新手必看55️⃣:Capital One/C1美国押金信用卡0门槛申请教程

Getting Started with Credit Cards in the U.S. | Newbie 5: Capital One US Deposit Credit Card 0 Threshold Application Tutorials.

美国信用卡入门 | 新手必看6:拥有Capital One美国押金信用卡之后开通网上银行及手机银行

Getting Started with Credit Cards in the U.S. | Newbie 6: Open online and mobile banking with a Capital One U.S. deposit credit card.

美国信用卡入门 | 新手必看7:申请Capiatl One第一资本银行支票Checking账户为信用卡还款

Getting Started with Credit Cards in the U.S. | Newbie 7: Apply for a Capiatl One Bank checking account for credit card payments.

美国信用卡入门 | 新手必看8:非美国居民如何使用Equifax免费查询信用分与个人信用报告

Getting Started with Credit Cards in the U.S. | Newbie 8: How Non-U.S. Residents Can Use Equifax to Check Their Credit Score and Personal Credit Report for Free.

美国信用卡入门 | 持续更新中……

老范跨境后续将持续更新有关非美国居民(不拥有美国社会安全号码/SSN)有了不错的信用分之后如何继续申请更高额度与奖励的其他美国信用卡,以及日常在非美国地区使用美国信用卡的日常注意事项等内容,希望持续关注老范跨,如果在此过程中你需要与我保持良好合作美国认证税务师CAA协助申请美国个人税号ITIN及后续年度联邦报税、美国电话卡购买、租用美国地址信箱、美国本土服务好费率低的美股证券账户、非美国地区远程见证开户美国华美银行、摩根大通、美国银行、花旗银行等美国银行账户可以直接加老范的微信 songhe2025 或老范助理 fan-2089 、fan912090 协助,也可以使用WhatsApp与我沟通。

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